Taylor & Lassen

Texas Legal News

Texas Bar Blog News on the Lawyers and Legal Professionals of Texas


SealMedia-1Practical recommendations on seeking attorney’s fees

by Ret. Justice Phylis J. Speedlin, Carlos R. Soltero and Greta McFarling on May 11, 2020 at 5:57 pm. The Texas Supreme Court recently provided pointed guidance to litigants seeking attorney’s fees in a fee-shifting setting. “In short, to secure an award of attorney’s fees from an opponent, the prevailing party must prove that (1) recovery of attorney’s fees is legally authorized, and (2) the requested attorney’s fees are reasonable and necessary for legal…… Continue Reading


Practical recommendations on seeking attorney’s fees

by Ret. Justice Phylis J. Speedlin, Carlos R. Soltero and Greta McFarling on May 11, 2020 at 5:57 pmThe Texas Supreme Court recently provided pointed guidance to litigants seeking attorney’s fees in a fee-shifting setting. “In short, to secure an award of attorney’s fees from an opponent, the prevailing party must prove that (1) recovery of attorney’s fees is legally authorized, and (2) the requested attorney’s fees are reasonable and necessary for legal…… Continue Reading



SealMedia-1Coronavirus Legal News Briefing — May 11, 2020

by Amy Starnes on May 11, 2020 at 4:46 pmEditor’s Note: The State Bar of Texas is providing this collection of important links, blog posts, and media stories to keep its members and the public informed of the latest news and resources related to the novel coronavirus outbreak and its impact on the legal community. Important links State Bar of Texas Coronavirus Legal Resources…… Continue Read


Ransomware attack affects access to Office of Court Administration websites

by Amy Starnes on May 11, 2020 at 4:18 pmThe Office of Court Administration announced Monday that a ransomware attack on Friday, May 8 caused it to disable its branch network, including websites and servers, to deal with the attack and prevent further harm. A statement on the security breach reports the network will remain disabled until the breach is remediated. In the meantime…… Continue Reading


TYLA Director Spotlight: Nicholas MosserNick-Mosser

by Texas Young Lawyers Association (TYLA) on May 10, 2020 at 4:01 amEditor’s Note: In this blog series, we are getting to know the members of the Texas Young Lawyers Association Board of Directors. TYLA, commonly called the “public service arm” of the State Bar of Texas, works to facilitate the administration of justice, foster respect for the law, and advance the role of the legal profession in…… Continue Reading



SealMedia-1Texas legal aid providers ready to help renters, provide FAQs

by Amy Starnes on May 8, 2020 at 9:35 pmTexas legal aid organizations are at the forefront helping low-income individuals and families navigate issues including eviction, foreclosure, bankruptcy, and other personal and financial crises created or worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. The organizations ready and able to help Texans with these concerns are listed below, followed by the area of the state they serve….… Continue Reading

Coronavirus Legal News Briefing — May 8, 2020

by Amy Starnes on May 8, 2020 at 8:01 pmEditor’s Note: The State Bar of Texas is providing this collection of important links, blog posts, and media stories to keep its members and the public informed of the latest news and resources related to the novel coronavirus outbreak and its impact on the legal community. Important links State Bar of Texas Coronavirus Legal Resources…… Continue Reading


May must-readsMay-2020-Must-Reads-669x335

by Eric Quitugua on May 7, 2020 at 11:37 pmCheck out the May issue of the Texas Bar Journal and the staff’s picks: a focus on practicing during the COVID-19 pandemic, from technology tips to well-being. And don’t forget to check out Movers and Shakers, Disciplinary Actions, and Memorials. Pandemically Challenged Teleworking in COVID-19 and what you need to know. By Jefferson W. Fisher…… Continue Reading



SealMedia-1Texas Bar Foundation awards $20,000 to Alliance for Children      

by Eric Quitugua on May 7, 2020 at 6:37 pmThe Texas Bar Foundation has awarded $20,000 to the Alliance for Children. The grant will aide the Alliance for Children Family Advocate program, which includes court accompaniment services and the provision of emergency needs. The program provides services to families affected by child abuse. Parents and other protective caregivers are equipped with resources and assistance…… Continue Reading

Coronavirus Legal News Briefing — May 7, 2020

by Amy Starnes on May 7, 2020 at 6:17 pmEditor’s Note: The State Bar of Texas is providing this collection of important links, blog posts, and media stories to keep its members and the public informed of the latest news and resources related to the novel coronavirus outbreak and its impact on the legal community. Important links State Bar of Texas Coronavirus Legal Resources…… Continue Reading